Stainless Steel: The Best Choice of Material for Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs)

Stainless steel has always been the best choice of material for equipment used in a clean room environment. Although food processing equipment used in the food & beverage industry or industrial process equipment like Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) are made from a variety of materials, stainless steel has always been the best choice.

Stainless steel has several benefits, including strength, durability, easy formability, and outstanding heat resistant properties. Additional benefits in relation to the food, chemical industry include the prevention of contamination while maintaining product integrity.

Even when exposed to very high temperatures, stainless steel does not buckle  easily. A huge advantage of stainless steel processing equipment including stainless steel bulk containers is that they are also very easy to clean. As growth of bacteria and the buildup of dirt and grime can be easily prevented. Whether as Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) for food or something else, stainless steel equipment possesses some unique qualities.

First, it offers superior cryogenic properties. Second is the ability to withstand chemical damage or protect itself from the powerful coloring agents used in food or beverage industries. Third, as stainless steel food processing equipment comes in different finish options, it blends in well aesthetically with other industrial process equipment.

At Ability Fabricators Inc., we mostly use 304 and 316 grades of stainless steel, which is excellent for various applications associated with the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. We manufacture equipment like industrial blenders and mixers, industrial tanks, stainless steel bulk containers, material handling equipment and more.

Ability Fabricators Inc.